Grupo de Apoyo para la Lactancia Posparto

Reserve your spot

Este grupo de apoyo es en vivo y virtual.  Cada semana tendrás la oportunidad de hacer preguntas sobre:

  • Producción de leche
  • Momento de las tomas
  • Oferta y demanda
  • Asegurar un enganche adecuado
  • Posicionamiento
  • Confusión del pezón
  • Suministro de leche
  • Sobreproducción y congestión
  • Cuándo buscar soporte individual

Obtén respuestas de una consultora de lactancia certificada (IBCLC).

¡Las parejas son bienvenidas también!

Reserve your spot


Who can attend?

Any Delfina patient is welcome to attend. Partners are also encouraged to join! You must be enrolled in Delfina in order to join Delfina classes. This class is intended for Delfina patients who are currently pregnant or Delfina patients who have given birth in the last year.

Will I earn Pod Points for attending?

No! At this time, current Delfina patients will not earn Pod Points for attending.

How many times can I attend this class?

While you're enrolled in Delfina, you can attend all the available sessions (a maximum of one per day).

I had my baby, but not a Delfina patient. How do I join Delfina?

Download the Delfina app and get access to classes today! Delfina is generally offered through providers to their patients. Ask your doctor if they're participating in Delfina.